locking in unparalled quality
The Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) process is ubiquitous in aerospace and high-end automotive applications but it’s almost unheard of in cycling. The RTM process turns the soft, dry fibre frame layup into the solid, strong and flexible bike frame. The way we do it greatly reduces the potential for defects within the structure and enables us to create superior frames.
minimising defects, maximising strength
Resin Transfer Molding is the best way to minimize defects in the composite structure. By injecting resin under high pressure between rigid external and internal molds, air pockets are pushed out and voids between layers are eliminated. Resin can only flow where the precise moulds allow and only assume shapes that are intended, meaning RTM quality is extremely high-tolerance, uniform and consistent yielding a beautiful near-finished product.
1. Internal Wax Mould
2. External Steel Form
3. Resin Injection
4. Pressure
5. Air is Forced out of Mould
L'utilisation de formes de moules externes et internes permet une mise en forme complexe et un renforcement interne, avec des surfaces internes aussi parfaites que celles extérieures. Les sacs préimprégnés créent une accumulation de résine et permettent le froissement des couches de fibres à l'intérieur de la structure.